10 minutes Daily Morning Meditation Music

Day 1

10 mins Morning Meditation music...

Omid Life

Omidlife is a unique global holistic platform, offering different courses in meditation, yoga, Breathwork,  conscious love, and conscious living. From relieving stress to enhancing your physical health, enhancing positive living to finding your spiritual side, you could find a variety of courses at OmidLife. It wishes to be a global pioneer through its mission of spreading teachings on how to grow non-dogmatic, easy to practice spiritually inside and out available to everyone.  Omidlife helps you to integrate a holistic lifestyle as it offers different courses by experienced teachers around the globe.

Course Description

Morning Meditation Music - 10 Minutes a Day

Your morning routine determines your day. If you have a fresh and energetic start you will have that energy the whole day. Therefore, this course of Morning meditation is a simple yet energetic course to start your day with new hopes and intentions. This music meditation includes music that boosts your energy, boosts your morale, and gives positive lights that you can do your best. Your mood gets better and you have the motivation to achieve your goals. This course also helps you

  • Protect your heart.
  • Increase optimism
  • Boost immunity.
  • Sharpen mind and memory. 
  • Lift mood.
  • Ease anxiety.
  • Increase motivation
  • Sleep problems
  • Tension headaches

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Course Price

Under Subscription

Course Type

Teacher Course

Course Teacher

Omid Life